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  Monday, February 5, 2007  
Oh ! Puffy Eyes

Causes of Puffy Eyes:

The most commonly observed causes of puffy eyes are:

* Lack of sleep
* Stress
* Improper and poor diet
* Heredity
* Crying
* Allergies

Get rid of Puffy Eyes:

Puffy eyes and under-eye bags can be a hereditary problem. They can also result from a build-up of toxins and wastes in the system. There are many medical and home treatments available for getting rid of puffy eyes. By following these home remedy (given below), you can cure it.

Home remedy for reducing puffy eyes:

1) Drink adequate quantities of water to keep your system flushed.

2) Cut down your tea intake and try to avoid coffee from your diet.

3) Sleep is absolutely imperative. Inadequate sleep tells on the eyes more than on any other part of the body. Sleep soothes the eyes and relieves fatigue. So, catch up on lost sleep whenever you can.

4) Thin cucumber slices or potato slices, used as compresses over closed eyes will relieve sore, puffy eyes.

5) Take a metal spoon and run it under cold water. Place the metal on the puffy area for at least 60 seconds.

6) Raise your head with pillows. It will help keep fluids from pooling under your eyes.

7) Splash your eyes with cool and clean water.

8) Soak cotton wool pads in rose water and use them as eye pads, over closed eyes.

9) A few egg whites, stiffly beaten, and applied with a brush to the face and under the eyes will make the skin feel tighter and look less puffy. Add a drop or two of witch hazel which also reduces swelling and will keep the egg whites from drying to rapidly.

posted by MIUMIU @ 10:34 PM  
  • At February 6, 2007 at 12:12 PM, Blogger Nita said…

    :( Now I have puffy eyes because I always sleep at 3 or 4am. And I am stress lately. I need your tips, Miumiu. Thx :)

  • At February 6, 2007 at 6:54 PM, Blogger MIUMIU said…

    I seldom haf puffy eyes now, coz i normally sleep around 1230am :) But i've tried some tips stated here before - Using the cold Metal works on least, hehe

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